Welcome to our Project Pages.

Each page gives an overview of a project in which The Aire Rivers Trust is involved.
If you would like to know more, or perhaps explore volunteering opportunities (nearly all of our work involves volunteers), you could either read the updates posted at the bottom of this page, or contact us using the link also towards the bottom.
We hope that you enjoy reading about our work and are inspired to support us by volunteering or maybe even financially via the link at the top right of the page.

Open Aireways

Identification and prioritisation of all significant barriers to fish passage in the Aire catchment. We will then prioritise them for action prior to selecting four (?) for feasibility studies, hopefully followed by removal of the barrier.

What are we doing?

Identify significant weirs.

What difference will it make?

Improves ecological connection.

More sustainable fisheries.


We could not do any of our work without the support of external funders. In this case, we would like to thank the organisations below for their support:

Yorkshire Water

This project is currently:

Project lead


Project updates

Project updates will appear here as they are published.

© Copyright Aire Rivers Trust 2020
The Aire Rivers Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No: 07464227 and a Registered Charity No: 1145609
Registered Office at: 38 Morton Lane, East Morton, Keighley BD20 5RS
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