Learn about the River Aire

The Aire Valley has a bit of something for everyone. You don’t even need to leave our cities to discover this green and blue ribbon that links our communities and beauty spots. The Aire is 92 miles (148 km) long including its many meanders and flows from the glorious headwaters of Malham Tarn, through the industrialised urben areas of West Yorkshire, before joining the Ouse just upstream of Goole at Airmyn.

There are lots of different ways to explore and learn about your river in the links below. Some are new, others have been developed over the years by people who love our river.The Wikipedia entry is a bit out of date, but still contains loads of information about the geography of the catchment and the settlements along the route of this recovering post-industrial river.

During our DNAire project our volunteers helped us write a series of walks along the river called Discovering the Natural Aire. Each one will share one of our favourite places on the river for you to explore on your own. These can be found by following the link below.

If you want a more 'technical' exploration then the Story Map (bottom right) is the one for you.

© Copyright Aire Rivers Trust 2020
The Aire Rivers Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No: 07464227 and a Registered Charity No: 1145609
Registered Office at: 38 Morton Lane, East Morton, Keighley BD20 5RS
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