Airedale Group supporting the Environment

Gareth Muir
October 28, 2024

We are delighted to announce that Airedale Group, a Crosshills based award-winning manufacturer and distributor of speciality and commodity chemicals, has pledged 200 hours of volunteer time to support the Aire Rivers Trust with our work to improve the Aire Valley rivers, reducing flooding and encouraging nature in the area..

The move formalises a commitment by the firm to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2045 and strengthens their commitment to working with businesses in a joint commitment to a wide range of river-centred environmental improvements.

The first group of volunteers worked to improve the Site of Special Scientific Interest at Bingley South Bog. They trimmed the hedgerow that can be seen from Bingley Relief Road so that the site’s meadow can now be seen from the road. The hedgerow is a mixture of hawthorn, blackthorn, field maple, hazel and dog rose and provides habitat for birds and invertebrates. The resultant brash arisings were used to make habitat piles to further improve the site. Bingley South Bog is an SSSI with it being home to the regionally rare marsh cinquefoil (Potentilla palustris).

Richard Ward, managing director of Airedale Group, explains: “Over recent years we have implemented many projects to increase sustainability and lessen our impact on the environment, from the installation of solar panels on our warehouses, to creating wildflower areas in our local park.

“But with the launch of our ‘net zero by 2045’ journey, we wanted to mark the occasion with something special that really demonstrates our commitment to making a difference.

“Aire Rivers Trust seemed the perfect partner. The work of the trust directly impacts the immediate environment of our Airedale Group headquarters, we work closely with Yorkshire Water and the Environment Agency and have many customers in the water treatment industry.”

If you would like more information about volunteering, either as an individual or on behalf of your company, please contact the office via email at

We were delighted that this announcement generated some significant media coverage, read the links below for more detail.

Keighley News
Bradford Means Business
Chamber of Commerce
Business up North
Airedale Group News Release

© Copyright Aire Rivers Trust 2020
The Aire Rivers Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No: 07464227 and a Registered Charity No: 1145609
Registered Office at: 38 Morton Lane, East Morton, Keighley BD20 5RS
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