About Us

The Aire Rivers Trust is a charity dedicated to improving our River Aire and its catchment, We are part of a national network of Rivers Trusts, each of which works to improve their river for people, wildlife and the environment. We believe in connecting people, places and nature. 

Our vision for the River Aire is that it will be a thriving river valued for its environmental, social and economic benefits, and which is actively appreciated by the community for its diverse ecology and contribution to flood risk management.

The work we do is both special and very varied. A typical week can include anything from building fish passes to supporting local volunteers, clearing litter from the riverbanks or working with schools to educate future generations about the importance of looking after their river.
Visualisation of the fish pass at Newlay
By working with others we are able to bring about big projects that reconnect our river
Volunteers are an essential part of our work
Getting our feet wet is a key part of connecting people, places and nature
With the help of volunteers we run river clean ups and conservation days every Thursday and Friday. What we do varies as we move through the seasons. In Winter, we focus on tree planting and natural flood management. As water levels drop in Spring, we are able to start removing debris and litter. We aim to do as much as possible before vegetation grows high. By summer, we are “balsam bashing” to remove invasive non-native species. Throughout the year we run mini projects and one-off corporate volunteer days.

Behind the scenes our trustees and volunteers do fantastic work fund raising. We play an important role shaping strategic plans (like the Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme 2) and working with partners to improve our river. This is the primary role of The Aire Catchment Network.

© Copyright Aire Rivers Trust 2020
The Aire Rivers Trust is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No: 07464227 and a Registered Charity No: 1145609
Registered Office at: 38 Morton Lane, East Morton, Keighley BD20 5RS
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