There is just one water body already at ‘Good’ water quality on the Aire (although we are hopeful that there will be more under 2019 data – yet to be confirmed), the majority are at ‘Moderate’.
We want to reach ‘Good’ Water Framework Directive (WFD) status or ‘Good Ecological Potential’ for all of them by 2027.
This is a BIG challenge.
We want to see more natural rivers, with fish returning to their natural environments. In our upper reaches we will find more trout and grayling, and more coarse fish in the lower reaches and Salmon and other migratory species will reach their spawning grounds in the catchment.
Movement of migratory species will soon be free on the main River Aire having removed barriers to fish passage through projects such as DNAire.
Our ambition is to work with partners to do the same on the becks and rivers that run into the River Aire such as the River Worth at Keighley, and smaller becks all along the catchment.
We want to see space for water, habitat and biodiversity in urban areas development, making better places for healthy people and a healthy environment.